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[Guest post] Spiritual Writing: the most read genre of all

Reblogged from Nataša Pantović:


We're happy to welcome Nataša Pantović Nuit, an author of 9 mindfulness books and spiritual researcher and trainer, on BookLikes blog. Nataša introduces the subject of spiritual writings, and we have to confess that we've learned a lot form this short piece. We wish you all inspiring and spiritual reading. And writings!


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A guest pos by Nataša Pantović Nuit.

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If you are into “Spiritual writings” you are probably already pre-warned and have experience more than a few expectations and accusations instantly associated with this amazing genre. To be fair, throughout the history this was the most read genre of all. Remember the “eternal” classics such as: Bible, Koran, Baghavagita, to mention just a few, that have earned the reputation of the “best sellers” of all times. Whether in English speaking countries or within the countries of the East, the books that took the attention of the millions were “Spiritual” writings, talking about eternal love, happiness, or damnation.


Even within the ancient marketing, it was clearly understood that if a book is written by God, it stands a much better chance to win huge audience. Paradoxically, if you are a believer, all the books are by force written by God or influenced by His or Her Majesty, cause God as an Omni-potent entity must surely encompass the world of writing, yet a claim that the words are directly channeled by Holy Spirit (a messenger of God) is quite a popular one. Yet the competition within the world of Holy Spirit followers is quite tough, surely such experiences must be unique and sacred, so the other people’s assentation of the same, was at times guarded by deathly sword.


Within the competition of who is more “enlightened”, and closer to God, only “the best” could possibly survive. Some tradition have decided to keep this “spot” reserved only for the karmic few, by birth given rights, some others chose a complicated hierarchical process that after the completion give their God representatives the full trust.


Moving a step away from the Holy Books, and mind you this was not easy, there were times when only Holy Books were readily available for folks around the fire gathered to read, the written word was once “sacred”. If it is “written” then it must be true. Pope Innocent the VIII (we are talking 15the century) embraced a book written by two German Dominican Monks, called the “Malleus Maleficarum”, the Witches' Hammer, the hunting manual and blessed it, giving to the Inquisition all the power and tools needed to act against this so-called evil, called: women, resulting in killing some-say millions.


The Malleus Maleficarum - Montague Summers,Jakob Sprenger,Heinrich Kramer All wickedness, is but little to the wickedness of a woman. ... It is written in the manual.


What else is woman but a foe to friendship, an inescapable punishment, a necessary evil, a natural temptation, a desirable calamity, domestic danger, a delectable detriment, an evil nature, painted with fair colors... Women are by nature instruments of Satan - they are by nature carnal, a structural defect rooted in the original creation.


A-Ma Alchemy of Love - Nataša Pantović Nuit

This book was printed and re-printed many times in the centuries to follow, “the  Witches' Hammer became the bestseller, the hit amongst different classes, and was passed from hand to hand, read aloud in Churches, and on the village squares, stored in special places, with the Bible, consulted in the dark corridors of the torture chambers. The best Hunters would know it by heart, reciting it as a deepest wisdom against poor women. Printed, reprinted and translated into German, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, English, Portuguese, it outsold all other books except the Bible!” (a quote from A-Ma Alchemy of Love, my spiritual historical fiction book, that explores the 17th century China).


Note: Personally, I have a deep interest for this amazing time: the 16th and 17th century when the printed books became available and we finally entered the era when our ancient scripts are readily available for us to read, compare, and thoroughly research.


Back to the modern times, did you know that within the world of our most powerful Internet, the words that still win the most of our “human” interest are: God, sex and love. I bet this does not surprise you!


Writing and talking about “enlightenment”, “love” and “God”, we ought to learn our reputation either as an eligible representative of a religious structure or as a “Spirit” filled individual that allows this “Divine “ force to flow within ones life.


Detaching the “psychological” tools from the religious connotations is always a difficult process and it risks "charlatans" invading the space of Gurus, Philosophers, Sages, Priests, and Spiritual Researchers promising an "instant happiness", a "curse" or a "pink pill" that cure all the diseases and bring immense wealth.


Whether you approach your spiritual writings with the “mind” or with “heart” filled with “Divine” flow, this will not be an easy journey, yet with the "Rightful Effort", under the shade of inspiration, and within the worlds of a constant ever-expanding self-development training, working with Virtues, Creativity, Changing Habits, etc., you might be able to truly “break” into this most amazing market.









Artof4Elements (htttp://www.artof4elements.com) is a Mindfulness Training and self-help Publisher that publish books, audio, and video materials in areas of Mindfulness, Meditation, Self-Help, New Thought, Alternative Health, Nutrition, and Conscious Parenting.


In March 2014, Artof4Elements developed and launched the Alchemy of Love Mindfulness Training Series of 9 fiction and non-fiction books, authored by 7 authors, focusing on spiritual growth, creativity and mindfulness.


Nataša Pantović Nuit is a Maltese Serbian Author of 9 mindfulness books, a spiritual researcher and trainer, whose work focuses on spirituality, alchemy, conscious parenting, and self-development.


You can find Nataša Pantović Nuit on BookLikes:

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difficult to read anyone else once you read Tolstoy

Anna Karenina - Leo Tolstoy

wow! how do one review Ana Karenjina! The best of the best! No words to describe! Read it in Russian. Or it is worth learning Russian so one is able to read Russian classics in their native tongue. Ahead of his time Tolstoy is a guru and a revolutionist and a wise man all at the same time. Did you know that he died after he finally renounced all his property. :) Always against religion dogmas, always for spiritual growth, his books give you everything! Can a book give you everything? Well, I think Tolstoy can. He gives you action and stillness, and deep wisdom his Slavic soul expresses it in such a beautiful way that every sentence is a gift. This is why it is good to read it in its original language. Love it and will always love it! Did I convince you to read it?

5 tips to show yourself as a professional reader, author, publisher

Reblogged from BookLikes:

If you're a blogger, author or a publisher you can use your BookLikes book blog as an excellent companion to your other webpages and social media. Here are five tips that will help you to show off your brand with your BookLikes  blog. 


If you're already on BookLikes (hight five!!) you can enhance the awareness by writing posts and reviews as well as personalizing your BookLikes webpage. If you haven't tried BookLikes yet, feel invited to join the best book blogging community and follow the tips below :-)


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Happy writing!

A-Ma Alchemy of Love - Nataša Pantović Nuit

Loved this deep and intriguing novel!

Back into the 17th century, gliding through Amas life, exploring the wisdom of China (such a fascinating culture) and multi-leveled dimensional stories of Reuben, the man with no name, tales of Macau, A-Ma goddess, Father Benedict, and Lilith was a very special experience.

Within my own life I already had a fascination with Chinese I Jing, Feng Shui, the Chinese most fascinating character writing, so I found my own sanctuary within the setting of Nuit-s 17th century story. An uproar of wisdom that can not be contained by religious dogmas, I was re-incarnated within such a complex setting working with enlightened minds of the time. I felt that this is exactly what Nuit wanted us to do, take an active role, worship the Temple of Ama, return to own quest to follow the river to its ocean, become one of many that instigates the change.

Beautifully written, with a strong spiritual message, I also deeply connected to the alchemy thread within the story.

I am very blessed that I had a chance to come across Nuit-s work at the time my focus is within further understanding of Yin and Yang balance, within the understanding of Kundalini, understanding of Goddess, and our, Christians (but also humanity) focus with suffering.

Ama and her friends, lovers, family told me a story of "change", story of "alchemy", story of "transformation" and the book has a deep message for every day of the journey. Yet this is not a book for all. The special, who have the opportunity to come across it, will understand all the levels of the story and get in touch with the feminine eternal wisdom within.

Must read!

Joyce Interviews Nataša Pantović Nuit about Ama Alchemy of Love Book launch

A-Ma Alchemy of Love - Nataša Pantović Nuit

The Eastern and Western approaches to God and spirituality developed in different directions. The western thrived exploring science, music, sports while the eastern focused on the interconnectedness of all, with a greater emphasis on myths, occult, micro-macro relationships. There are Yin and Yang approaches to life. Within my novel A-MA: ALCHEMY OF LOVE, I explore these in greater details

"Child's Soul stands at the center of the children growth and development, as an Essence, an Observer, Consciousness coming forth to experience the magic of Life. Be tentative to the Soul’s whispers. Conscious Parenting, Nataša Pantović Nuit."


Source: http://www.artof4elements.com/entry/184/positive-parenting
Conscious Parenting Mindful Living Course for Parents - Nataša Pantović Nuit Mindful Being - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Reblogged from Nataša Pantović:

Mindfulness Training Alchemy of Love Course are:
- Mindful Being towards Mindful Living; and
- Conscious Parenting: Mindful Living Course for Parents.
The Courses are 12 Modules (weeks) Self-Development Mindfulness Training with 100s of practical Personal Improvement tools. This video is a Welcome Video that explains the Methodology used within the training.




Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPSQYhZsbq0

Conscious Parenting is a Treasure

Conscious Parenting - Nataša Pantović Nuit

Deeply moving and inspiring. Book and course that changed my life, got me more focused and released some of my parenting troubles. The Conscious Parenting is full of exercises and parenting little tricks and tools, loaded with wisdom and practical knowledge. I am a practicing yogi and loving my 'green outlook to life', often feel as an alien within the world of technology gadgets and TV noise. Conscious Parenting came to me as a gift from an angel to confirm my life-choices and gave me strength in protecting my kids from the confusion this world offers. Conscious Parenting Course is about the parenting journey towards more conscious choices, towards more regular and rhythmic life-style, towards simplicity and creativity, towards spiritual and creative work work with kids. This book is a treasure and I love spending time in re-visiting its modules and exercises. Keeps us deeper connected as a family.

Mindful Eating Book Interview with Nuit

Mindful Eating with Delicious Raw Vegan Recipes - Nataša Pantović Nuit

Author Nataša Pantović Nuit has told Buzzfeed that her latest mindfulness book called: Mindful Being towards Mindful Living, is about how ‘consciousness transforms into its golden possibilities’.


Mindful Eating Quote by Nuit about self-respect


While sitting and awaiting Nuit at the dawn of this wintry day, mid March, a ginger cat jumped onto my lap purring for attention. A lucky one really, doesn’t need to worry about mindfulness or what to eat and how. We on the other hand spend endless hours thinking and talking about healthy food, conscious living, the best ways to fulfill our highest potential.


Nuit approached our table slowly giving me enough time to have a closer look at this lovely lady. This woman with bluish green eyes and long brown hair slightly whitening at the front has stopped her age clock at around 40 knows what she says and does. In fact she is a very conscious woman, her words are perfectly measured, wise and her whole appearance is very meditative.


Author of 7 books all dealing with conscious living, mindfulness, alchemy of soul, Nuit will talk to me about her book on mindfulness called Mindful Being and her book on nutrition called: Mindful Eating.


How often do you think one can eat junk food? I asked.


‘The treats are part of the beauty of life. It is the indulgence that creates problems. Our busy life-styles take us into the hands of fast food chains, processed foods manufacturers, and we somehow forget that the easiest and healthiest food is the one from our gardens, raw unprocessed fruit and veggies. I’ve been a vegetarian for the last 30 years and I am still passionate about the consciousness of this choice. It’s a life-style diet that pays respect to our Mother Gaia and her resources.’


It’s a life-style of a yogi living in an urban area not in a cave. I suspect your life-style does not include drinking alcohol, indulging in sweets and soft drinks I asked. She giggles.

‘If you wish for a treat make yourself daily a good cup of coffee preferably organic and fair trade, add some spices to it, experiment, enjoy a bar of dark chocolate and indulge in wonders of herbal teas, green teas, coconut water, instead of going for fizzy sugary drinks.’


Let’s face it: if we are to choose from a carrot salad and chicken nuggets with some Coke many will still unfortunately for their well-being chose the latter. The unconscious part of our minds is still much greedier than our wish to stay healthy and fit until our old age.

‘It is our unconscious eating that could become a problem, and all the poisons that we put into our bodies. Choose your diet consciously, enjoy all you do and go back to the wonders of mindfulness daily.’


‘I have designed and published the Alchemy of love mindfulness training books with a team of very inspiring experts all in love with life and mindful living.’ ‘Do not get obsessed with food, get obsessed with wonders of life. It is possible to live life happily and healthily. It is mindfulness and love that you want to fall in love with and the spiritual journey itself.’

Two books that we have in front of us are about vegetarianism, with tips on nutrition and healthy recipes: A Guide to Mindful Eating with 45 Veggie Recipes and Mindful Eating with Delicious Raw Vegan Recipes. One focuses on the raw food recipes, the other one has a selection of healthy vegetarian dishes.


‘The recipes are there to inspire the readers’ choice of a daily menu, but the books main subject is mindfulness and bringing consciousness into the world of eating. The readers are encouraged to explore different questionnaires, mindfulness exercises and transformation tools while on the journey of experimenting with their diet.’


Share with us your favorite healthy breakfast recipe, I asked.


‘It is a mixture of brown rice and millet cooked in a macrobiotic way (very slowly). When the rice is cooked add to it your preferred mix of pre-soaked nuts, seeds and dried fruit, your mix of spices, your choice of fruits, some ginger, some coconut. The healthiest mix you could have for a breakfast. Lots of raw included and very delicious.’


So let me put some of my learning into an action. Apologies to all the meat or fast food industry, processed or canned foods, sweets and additives manufacturers, alcohol and fizzy drinks producers, I am gone try a month of visiting just my local grosser, buying and cooking only local, organic veggies and fruit. I feel inspired to do this experiment. Even if I do not succeed to change my ways I still think we should all re-learn what to put into our sometimes rather greedy tummies.


Book can be purchased at Amazon, or viewed on Booklikes


Mario Johns Buzzfeed Interview with Nuit shared with the permission.

Source: http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/mindful-eating-book-interview-with-nuit

Mindfulness Training: Mindful Being towards Mindful Living Book Review

Mindful Being - Nataša Pantović Nuit

Mindful Being towards Mindful Living Course is a remarkable work of someone who spent 20 years researching the subject of spiritual development. I am so happy I came across this work from Nuit and that she inspired me to implement some simple and powerful exercises within my life. Defining true goals is always a challenge and returning back to the 'real values' with very practical tools is something that I find very valuable within this Course on Mindful Living. Inspiring and deep work!


Mindful Being Book quote about mindfulness and present moment


image and quote from: http://artof4elements.com/entry/160/mindful-being-quotes

'We train ourselves all through our life to waste energy following our inner narratives. We are often unconsciously driven by our fears, worries and fantasies. Enter the space of Awareness of the present moment with no emotional filters, no regrets nor hopes, no daydreaming and no nightmares.' Nuit

Mindfulness Training: Mindful Being Book Review: A Remarkable Work

Mindful Being - Nataša Pantović Nuit

Mindful Being Course is a remarkable work of someone who spent 20 years researching the subject of spiritual development. I am so happy I came across this work from Nuit and that she inspired me to implement some simple and powerful exercises within my life. Defining true goals is always a challenge and returning back to the 'real values' with very practical tools is something that I find very valuable within this Course on Mindful Living. Inspiring and deep work!




Mindfulness Training: Mindful Being Course Review: Mindful Being Quote about Delight

Alchemy of love mindfulness training self development quote

Great Vegan Book

Mindful Eating with Delicious Raw Vegan Recipes - Nataša Pantović Nuit

Loved this vegan book.


Lot's of tasty recipes.


Tuns of useful vegetarian and vegan tips so the diet stays healthy.


Some very inspiring mindful eating exercises.


Definitely worth adding to your book-shelves.

Guided Love Meditation as a Spiritual Tool of Mindfulness

Conscious Parenting - Nataša Pantović Nuit Mindful Being - Nataša Pantović Nuit Mindful Eating with Delicious Raw Vegan Recipes - Nataša Pantović Nuit Art of 4 Elements - Nataša Pantović Nuit A Guide to Mindful Eating - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Reblogged from Nataša Pantović:

Alchemy of Love Mindfulness Training Books and Meditation


Connecting to our inner source of Love, Light and Peace. Open to Love and Wonders of Life. How to practice Love and Compassion Meditation Article with some inspiring guided meditations. 


'That is the extraordinary thing about love: it is the only quality that brings a total comprehension of the whole of existence...'

Krishnamurti Quotes on Love

Guided love meditation: Open to love and wonders of life

Source: http://artof4elements.com/entry/136/love-meditation/meditation-techniques

Power of Mind, Ancient Mystics and their Spiritual Wisdom

Conscious Parenting Mindful Living Course for Parents - Nataša Pantović Nuit Art of 4 Elements - Nataša Pantović Nuit Mindful Eating with Delicious Raw Vegan Recipes - Nataša Pantović Nuit A Guide to Mindful Eating - Nataša Pantović Nuit Mindful Being - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Reblogged from Nataša Pantović:

Power of Mind, Ancient Spiritual Wisdom

Just as God is hidden, so are the inner secrets of Her divine message. We read about them, hear them uttered, but we can not possibly comprehend their meaning unless we have a direct experience of their truth. That is why to be able to talk to our souls we use meditation, we use rituals, symbols and signs, we use dreams and careful observation of souls’ subconscious messages. The mystics of our past help us in this quest. From Zarathustra who comes from the ancient Persian spiritual culture, to Pythagoras who comes from the Greco-Latin cultural epoch, to Lao Tzu, Buddha and Christ, they all carry the keys to the secrets of the most varied mysteries.


Power of Mind, Ancient Mystics Magic Spiritual Wisdom


To read the full article please have a look at: http://www.artof4elements.com/entry/78/the-mystics

Source: http://www.artof4elements.com/entry/78/the-mystics
beautiful poem
Reblogged from De Ge:
Art of 4 Elements Spiritual Poem Holographic Universe
Art of 4 Elements Spiritual Poem Holographic Universe
Art of 4 Elements - Nataša Pantović Nuit

Spiritual Poetry.

Holographic Universe

Spiritual Wisdom

by Natasa Pantovic Nuit

Source: http://artof4elements.com/page/poems-for-you
great quotes!
Reblogged from Nataša Pantović:
Conscious Parenting Quote by Natasa Pantovic Nuit about kids development
Conscious Parenting Quote by Natasa Pantovic Nuit about kids development
Conscious Parenting - Nataša Pantović Nuit

Conscious Parenting Quote by Natasa Pantovic Nuit about kids development and parenting as the most difficult job

Source: http://www.artof4elements.com/entry/97/why-conscious-parents